
A well-defined chin balances the face and forms an important part of your profile. When people look in the mirror, most people notice the size and shape of their nose, their ears, their cheekbones, or the wrinkles on their skin. Few people look at the chin with the same attention, having a small chin does not give harmony to the face. Surgeons who specialize in performing rhinoplasty are generally the first to suggest or make changes in the size or shape of the chin if necessary to improve the profile along with rhinoplasty. It is very common for a facial plastic surgeon to recommend extra chin surgery to nose surgery when he considers that it is necessary to raise the chin to obtain a balance and a harmony of the face. Fortunately this is a relatively simple procedure that can make a big difference in the end result.

If you are wondering how a chin surgery will improve your appearance then you need to know how the surgery is performed and what to expect from this procedure. We will try to clarify many doubts and provide you with the information you need to reconsider having surgery.

Facial plastic surgery is successful in the outcome of a good relationship between doctor and patient, pre-surgery consultations should create a trust based on the realistic expectations and experience of your doctor.

Dr. Miery is able to answer all the questions about your specific needs. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and is outpatient.

Are you a candidate for a Mentoplasty?

Good health and realistic expectations are prerequisites for this surgery it is also key to understand all aspects of surgery. An eye-pleasing and balanced profile can be achieved by advancing the chin bone or by doing a lipoinjection depending on the amount of millimeters to be increased. The end result will be a greater facial harmony.

Another supplement in chin surgery is a submental liposuction or jowl where excess fat is removed, redefining the neck and chin line.

The medical consultation can help you decide on the type of surgery that best suits your needs. Doctor Miery can also give you information about new surgical techniques and suggest complementary surgeries that can guarantee the best positive result.

Once the decision is made to operate, Dr. Miery will describe the technique indicated, the type of anesthesia, the clinic where the procedure will be performed and any additional surgery required.

It will also tell you about risks, complications and unforeseen procedures and costs.

Recommendations for the days before surgery

It is important that one week before you suspend the following medications that increase bleeding:

  • Aspirin, Vitamin E, Omega 3, Ibuprofen and Anti inflammatory.

The day of surgery

  • Do not eat or drink 8 hours before.
  • Present without enamel on hands and feet.
  • Introduce yourself with comfortable clothes and no valuables.
  • Perform double washing of the hair and face.
  • Remove earrings, piercing or the like.

How is surgery performed?

To increase the chin, the incision is made in a natural fold between the gum and the lip inside the mouth for a bone advancement or in the case of a lipoinjection or fat transfer there is no incision.

What to expect after the surgery?

Once the surgery is complete, the surgeon will usually place a bandage that is removed five days after the surgery. It is normal to have some pain. Post-surgical discomfort and pain can be controlled with medications.

Most patients initially have the sensation of having the skin stretched and warm, but this usually disappears in the first week.

After about 6 weeks, much of the swelling has gone away and you will be able to enjoy the benefits of this surgery. Vigorous physical activity that should be restricted in the first few weeks after surgery, normal activity can begin after 20 days after surgery.

Medical insurance generally does not cover surgeries that are performed for purely cosmetic reasons.

  • To reduce inflammation, apply ice in the first 48 hours in the operated areas in case of bandaging. The ice should be applied without wetting it so that it does not peel off.
  • You should not stay in bed, it is preferable to stand or sit. Walk. The horizontal position increases the inflammation. Sleeping on the first 2 nights.
  • On the next day of the surgery try to have as normal an activity as possible, without strong physical exercises like gymnastics, which you can restart 15 days later progressively.
  • While you have bandage take the shower from the neck down and separately wash the hair back as in the hairdresser or at the hairdresser. If it gets wet it can cause itching and can cause the bandage to peel off.
  • Avoid hot spots or direct exposure of the dressing to the sun for a long time, as the heat may give off or loosen the bandage and sweat will cause itching.
  • Do not consume raw foods like (sushi, ceviches and carpaccio) the first two weeks.
  • Most of the inflammation disappears in a week. The inflammation disappears in 80% at 30 days and in 100% 6 and 12 months. The bruises and ecchymoses are of very variable duration in each person.


